Reading Bad News in the Morning Reduces Work Effectiveness

Have you ever wondered whether reading bad news in the morning can have a negative impact on your productivity? According to a new study by Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan in the latest Harvard Business Review, “consuming negative news CAN make you less effective at work.” In their study, participants who were exposed to negative news stories … Continue reading Reading Bad News in the Morning Reduces Work Effectiveness

Be Courageous — Don’t Fear Failure

Reggie Jackson was known as “Mr. October”. During the regular season was a very good ballplayer. But during the postseason, especially late in games, Reggie was one of the greatest clutch hitters in baseball history. In 27 World Series games, he hit 10 home runs (including four in a row), had 24 RBI and batted … Continue reading Be Courageous — Don’t Fear Failure