As a Business Growth Sherpa, Carter Welch guides owners to conquer their own mountains to drive transformational growth for their companies.
A shortage of ideas isn’t your problem. But the haze of too many ideas can lead you down the wrong path. We will help you FOCUS AND SIMPLIFY to ensure you are always headed in the right direction.
Growth is your goal. As both a former business owner and a Fortune 500 sales and marketing executive of CPG, food, tech and professional services companies, Carter knows what it takes to scale your business. Together, we will develop and execute the strategies to take you where you need to GROW.
As a business owner, you are often in the loneliest place in the world. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, lonely or scary. Anyone who hasn’t walked in your shoes doesn’t know how it feels to walk in your shoes. As your partner, Carter will guide you to a place of CONFIDENCE AND SUCCESS..
Guiding you to a successful transition is a difficult task. We help you transform your thinking and your strategies to think of your business as an asset, not just an income generator, and we will help you with strategies to prepare for a successful EXIT.
“Sherpas are strategists, looking at the terrain and weather and taking the best route to the summit they can find for those on the climb with them.
They carry loads for those who falter due to the high capacity they alone possess.
They know when it’s time to camp and when it’s time to proceed.
They keep things simple, always knowing the next step the climber needs to take.”
– Greg Curtis
Ready to get started?
If you’re ready for a guide,
contact Carter Welch today and start scaling your mountain.
Carter Welch collaborates with partners who share his passion, augment his skills, and best serve his clients in their operations and aspirations. He is always looking for great strategic partners and service providers to bring to his clients.